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The Dimension O Consciousness Theory is a mesmerizing concept that caters to the community of scientists, philosophers, poets, and artists who explore their imaginations and curiosity.

Its objective is to support critical scientific projects through the Dimension O Consciousness Medals initiative.

The theory has a rich legacy that dates back to the time when it was known as the “Second O Theory”. It emphasizes the importance of letters, words, numbers, and shapes in our daily lives and how they influence communication.

The theory underscores the significance of cultivating positive thoughts with clarity by programming our minds with relevance. It has a fascinating relatability to our lives and its connection to the god particle. Every occurrence, every manifestation is a result of a corresponding force and motion in the universe. Even the minutest details such as a blade of grass can be traced back to an angelic force in the realm that triggers its growth.

The Dimension O Consciousness Theory is an ongoing quest to unravel the universe’s mysteries. It is fascinating to learn how the theory relates to the universe’s evolution and its connection to the god particle. The story we have uncovered so far about the universe is already incredibly amazing, and the future promises to be equally intriguing.

The artistry of the Dimension O Consciousness Theory is equally fascinating and reflects the theory’s importance across all scientific works and human well-being aspects. The art on the Dimension O Consciousness Medals unleashes a secret force of the universe, reflecting the human-centric themes of journey, money, women, and home. The art offers frameworks showcasing the scientific dimension aspects like force, motion, molecules, and cognitive power. The art’s analogy on the medals has a profound impact on how we perceive the world around us.

In conclusion, the Dimension O Consciousness Theory is a remarkable concept with enormous potential to support critical scientific projects through the Dimension O Consciousness Medals initiative. It encourages ongoing inquiry and curiosity in understanding the universe, human well-being and its mysteries.


The artistically crafted gold medal symbolizes women as a powerful source and creation of the universe akin to the nucleus in an atom holding together the protons and neutrons and strongly bonding with the electrons orbiting around and maximizing the energy in the form of waves and other forms of energy


The art on the gold medal explains the process of formation of black hole or going back to dust particle comparable to the way in which raw talent is nurtured and then developing a mass due to the compounding effect, followed by consolidating the resources and later in a constant pressure to sustain the mass and resources, paving way towards the need for setting up a threshold as a very crucial event. Every human life is tested around its energies, talent and forces that he holds around his lifetime. Prosperity with finite characteristics stays as per the force he holds.


Journey of life is comparable to the metaphor of the universe. Just like how the universe encompasses the planetory motion, binding all the particles together with unseen forces and Illusion, our journey of life consists of motion either acceleration or decceleration, hurdles depicted as waves and frictional forces, all of which needs to be balanced in order to have a steady state journey.


Our Home is analogous to the universe. God created the universe at literally any time in the past. On the other hand if the universe is expanding, there may be physical reasons why there had to be a begining. All the events happening around humans and universe are relative. There are forces, motion, illusion, light & cycle that continued for billion years and our home where we live, work, stay and travel have a major impact based on energies around us. which enables our life actions and stability.

SPECIFICATIONS: • The medal is made of pure 22-karat yellow gold weighing 700 grams. • It comprises four gold medals that are BIS Hallmarked.

WHO CAN OWN THIS MEDAL: This limited edition 50 Dimension O Consciousness Medals, backed by IP, can be owned by individuals, families, and institutions.

You can purchase it from our exclusive IP marketplace platform www.yonihnft.com.

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